Humid Cedar

Chthonic, Tentacular, and just a little Squamous

Monday, April 26, 2004

D&D Turns 30

I just read an article up at the BBC web site that talks about the development of Dungeons and Dragons, the mother of all role-playing games.

I have played the game most of my life. I still play. I play with many of the same people. Although I approach the game differently now than when I was young, there are still a few things that remain the same: the creative outlet, the group activity, the jokes and shared experiences. How many games can offer a person all of that? And remain interesting after 20 plus years?

I remember that my fellow players and I used to joke that we would someday rule the world. I can't say that we do nor can I say that there's much of a chance of that happening. But we are a pretty respectable bunch. There are lawyers, computer programmers, teachers. We have had doctors, university professors and even a professional juggler sit at the table.

Good times, good times.


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