Humid Cedar

Chthonic, Tentacular, and just a little Squamous

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Same Song, Second Verse: Uncle Patrick Knows What's Best for You

This album might restore your reputation as someone with taste: Fountains of Wayne Welcome Interstate Managers. I have several friends who work for Dell and I think of them every time I hear this album. Listen to it (especially track #2) and you'll know what I mean.

I have decided to put Mr. Stephenson's book Quicksilver away. Again. In theory, I should love this book. It has science and swashbuckling action (two great tastes that taste great together). I have enjoyed the author's previous work. But I can't seem to get into it. And at over 900 pages, my life is too short to struggle with this book when my reading time is so limited. Does this make me a bad person?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support your decision not to finish Quicksilver. Life is too short to read long boring books. That is basically why I didn't go for a PhD.

7:37 AM  

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