Whither Watchmen?
According to this article, Jude Law wants to play the role of self-made superhero Ozymandias in a film version of Alan Moore's Watchmen. I have nothing against the fellow. I have not seen many of his movies but I am told by people whose opinions I respect that he's pretty good. He may be a little short and thin for the part but whatever. In my opinion, Sting would be a good pick for the role but I have absolutely no say in what happens in the entertainment industry. James Marsters (Spike in Buffy and Angel) would be a great choice too.
While I am at it, I'd cast Robin Williams as Nite Owl, Arnold the Governor as the Comedian and Jessica Biel as the Silk Spectre. Dr. Manhattan would be CGI, so anyone with a deep voice could be cast there. Leonard Nemoy would be a great Moloch.
But what about Rorshach? That's really tough. At the moment, I'd give the part to Wil Wheaton who I believe once expressed an interest in the role. He has the chops and it would be a great "shout out" to fellow geek travelers like myself.
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