Is There A Doctor In The House?
Tonight's episode of House was pretty good. The good doctor cut it pretty close this time. And he had to deal with a layman who directly questioned his methods, which is a first for this series I think. As a lawyer, all I can say is: I sure am glad I don't work there! House and his staff would give me fits!
I added a new link: Polite Dissent. The blogger is a doctor with an interest in a wide variety of topics. His analysis of tonight's episode will be far more insightful than mine, I can assure you! But be sure to peruse his archives because he reviews comics, television shows and movies from a medical perspective.
I may not appreciate Dr. House's questionably legal methods when it comes to dealing with patients, but I sure wish he were in town right now. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia last week. She is undergoing chemo for the next week or so. With any luck, she'll be home soon (but she will have to go back to the hospital for a few days every month for the next several months for additional treatment). All of her friends are pulling together for her. Think good thoughts!
Yes! Especially egregious was the faked call from the CDC!!!
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