Humid Cedar

Chthonic, Tentacular, and just a little Squamous

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm not sick but I'm not well

I am battling a massive cold right now. It made the rounds at my office and it finally turned its baleful attentions to me. I shall fight it with every fiber of my being! If I don't work, I don't get paid.

Valentine's Day went over well at Hacienda de Patrick. My wife got a lovely bunch of flowers at her office that day and we had a heart shaped pizza delivered from a local pizza place. We sat and watched the last few episodes of Wonderfalls while slurping down a bottle of red wine. Good times, good times...

I haven't said enough about my friend Eric's online zine Lone Star Stories. You can read it for yourself by following the links, beginning with "Eric's Musings" there on the right. He publishes poetry and short fantasy/science fiction pieces written by Texas authors. I need to get off my butt and submit something soon. I am thinking about serializing my nascent young adult novel; I just need to figure out a way to break it up into coherent chunks.

My fellow blogger over at "Grinding Metal" got his butt married this past weekend. It's a good thing he got married around Valentine's will help him remember his anniversaries. I will say no more.

House continues to be one of my favorite shows. This week he battles his dependency on pain killers while trying to figure out why a teen-ager is bleeding internally. A patient's family member finally punches him too. Check out "Polite Dissent" on the right for a more in-depth medical review of the episode. I am still waiting for Stephen Fry to show up. Rowan Atkinson would be great too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get better Uncle Patrick! And remember, "rest, Mr. Book, that's the ticket." (can you name that movie?...) Very nice V-day for your wife, but after the 8+ years I have, I had to actually bake my wife a pie to do something original! (note I said bake, not put together...) She's been snuggly soft ever since. You are absolutely right that you need to get off your butt and submit something to that zine. I've read your stuff, and I'm convinced that you need to be published - if for no other reason than I want to read more! I had thought about that V-day/anniversary connection concerning Mr. Science's nuptials. Very clever of him I must say, or was it his now wife who we owe the accolades to?... Keep on bloggin' Uncle Patrick! Mjt!

6:51 AM  

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