Humid Cedar

Chthonic, Tentacular, and just a little Squamous

Friday, March 04, 2005

Always a bridesmaid...

My crazy friend over at Grinding Metal (link at right) is handing out awards like red pills in a Hunter S. Thompson novel. But does Humid Cedar get an award? Nope. Humid Cedar loses to Tom DeLay, of all people. I admire Mr. DeLay's, er, pluck as much as the next backwoods intellectual but the man has never had to put up with said crazy friend's ferret.

You might be asking yourself: "What's the big deal about a ferret?" Two words: musk glands.

Of course, Mr. DeLay might have gotten the award simply on the basis of his own distinctive musk glands. But still...

Despite what has happened, I will not stoop so low as to call Grinding Metal out on this glaring oversight. I am not a petty man. I am not a pretty man, either.


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